Police Trade-Ins Are A Great Buy
Any time law enforcement agencies trade in their handguns, it creates a wonderful opportunity for those of us who are looking for a name brand gun, at an affordable price. Because it is a police trade-in, we know its been well taken care of. Besides some holster wear, the guns tend to look great.
We are going through that right now with the Glock-22. Since the FBI has placed the 9mm back on their flavor of their month club, used Glock-22s have been popping up everywhere. Instead of asking why to buy one, ask why not. Who can argue with a full sized Glock for around $300.00? Just because the FBI switched rounds, it doesn’t make the .40 any less of a defensive handgun round. There is nothing wrong with 15 rounds of what amounts to be a 10mm short. Add the fact that you can convert Glock-22 to a 9mm by using a drop in conversion barrel and a 9mm magazine, and you have one hell of a deal.

Why Convert Your Glock-22 to 9mm?
The biggest reasons are reduced recoil and lower ammunition costs.
The 10mm was the FBI’s first choice in the aftermath of the 1986 Miami shooting where multiple FBI agents were wounded and two killed. They felt that the 9mm and .357s used by their agents at the time, were not enough, so they went looking for something better. Though initially received well after extensive testing, the 10mm proved to be too much gun and the .40 was born (10mm short) to take its place. Some of the logic behind the .40 was that it was considered a compromise between the 9mm and a .45. With a magazine capacity of 15 rounds, it was two rounds less than any high capacity 9mm of the time and definitely more rounds than your typical .45.
The FBI approved .40 became a standard as law enforcement agencies followed suit. However, it still wasn’t for everyone. As the .40 is part of the 10mm family, recoil can still be an issue. The .40 has more of a recoil flip (or bite if you prefer) than a 9mm. I find the 9mm easy to shoot and have switched back to it from a Glock-21 .45, after taking advantage of converting a Glock-22 trade-in myself. I recently used my Glock-22 conversion with a Live Free Armory conversion barrel at my annual law enforcement HR 218 qualification. As long as I qualify, I can continue carrying concealed as a retired law enforcement officer. My Glock worked like a camp and I had no issue shooting 40 out of 40 for a perfect score. Not bad for a grandfather of six who wears bifocals.
The other reason is lower ammunition cost. For example, I just bought two 50 round boxes of Federal American Eagle for $9.97 each at Bass Pro. Maybe not the cheapest but the most convenient for what I was doing at the time. If I had bought the same ammo in .40, it would have cost me $22.49 a box. Buying bulk ammunition web pages like AmmoGrab.com, can get you 9mm in the 13-26 cents a round, range. On the other hand, .40 will run you in the 19-36 cents range (as of January 31, 2018).
The Conversion Itself
At the heart of the conversion is the 9mm conversion barrel. A true conversion barrel has many characteristics. For example, it’s basically a .40 on the outside and a 9mm on the inside. That’s why dropping a Glock-17 9mm in a Glock-22 will not work. The feed ramp is designed for the 9mm with a more squared shelf and cut for 9mm to ensure proper feeding. Conversion barrels also have conventional land and groove rifling instead of Glock’s polygonal rifling. This allows you shoot lead, copper wash, or jacketed amm0. There are many companies that carry conversion barrels like Lone Wolf Distributors, Storm Lake Parts, and Wheaton Arms. A little research on the internet and some patience can find you some great deals.

The only other piece of kit you need to complete your conversion is Glock 9mm magazine. I have read about some concerns over using the .40 extractor on a 9mm case. The .40 works fine but if you tried it the other way around (9mm on a .40) it would not. The .40 has enough bite on the 9mm case that it does not cause any concerns. You have to remember that these conversions have been around a long time and are not a new and untested idea.
Glock mentions that you can convert their .40 to 9mm by using a conversion barrel in their customer service FAQ. They caution on not to converting early models, but it’s my understanding Gen-3s are fine. If in doubt, please call Glock and check on the status of the Glock you want to convert. Here is a great Youtube video that explains the benefits of a Glock-22 9mm conversion by Don Porter AKA Sootch00, who I have come to respect for his honest and thorough reviews. It will answer many questions and show you a conversion piece in action.
Some companies offer packages in addition to just the Glock-22 trade-in. For example, Live Free Armory offers a complete conversion kit. It comes with the police trade-in Glock-22 Cerakoted in any of their standard color offerings, two Glock OEM .40 magazines, a true 9mm conversion barrel, one new Glock OEM 9mm magazine, the original slide has a custom cut design, has a second cut to accommodate a Trijicon RMR Gen-2 sight, and includes the original Glock carrying case. If you looking for more bang for your buck, looking into a Glock-22 police trade-in to convert to a 9mm, is a great choice; I love mine.

If you’d like more information or have any questions, feel free to email me at Murgado.a@livefreearmory.com. Please remember that Live Free Armory is here to help you whether you choose to buy from us or not. We believe that obtaining the right information should always be your first step.
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